
Apr 13, 2011

Interview for NY Daily News

Do you think twice about the contents of your water when you are brushing your teeth or when you fill up your child’s water bottle?
If you’re anything like us – busy moms on the go – checking off our to-do lists as we run from pick up to soccer to everything in between, the answer up until this point is probably “no.”
But once we read about UNICEF’s tap projects potlighting the fact that 900 million children and adults across the globe don’t have clean, safe water to drink, we changed our outlook on the basics like water, which we easily take for granted.
Selena Gomez, along with Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Robin Williams and others has teamed up with UNICEF to draw attention to this serious issue and to encourage the public to take action. These celebs are bottling their OWN tap water from their homes for a sweepstakes benefiting the project.
Every day more than 4,000 kids die from water-related diseases and we can help make a difference.
We wondered how we could simply explain the importance of water to our young children and we reached out to UNICEF Ambassador Selena Gomez to hear her ideas.


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